Locks Re-Key Services In Rochester, NY
If you move to a new home, office, business or your keys are lost or stolen, you should consult with a reliable locks re-key services expert. Re-keying your locks is cost effective and a safe solution. My Locksmith Rochester, NY offers locksmith services for homes, offices, and businesses in the Monroe and Ontario counties.
How Does Locks Re-Key Work?
Our locksmiths are highly experienced and trained so that we can provide you with the best and safest service.
When our technicians will come to your property, they will first examine all your locks.
Second, they will offer you solutions and options that best meet your needs.
Then, our locksmiths will remove the locks from the doors and take the cylinders to their van. Our vans contain all the necessary equipment needed in order to re key the locks. (Thus allowing us to complete the job in the same visit). Finally, they will then install them back on the doors.
Explanation of locks re-key process:
Each lock has a cylinder with a plug in it.
First, we have to remove the cylinder from the lock. Next, we carefully pull the plug out of the cylinder to rebuild the pin system inside of it. To pull the plug out of the cylinder, we use special tools and technique that prevents damage to the cylinder. Inside the cylinder, there are pins at different heights that fit the existing key. Following that, we clean the cylinder from those existing pins and rebuild the pins system on a new key.
After the pin system inside the plug has been changed according to the new key, we will put the plug back into the cylinder and the cylinder into the lock. The last step is to install the lock back to the door.

At My Locksmith we can handle any type of commercial or residential locks including cabinet locks, mailbox locks, mortise locks, deadbolt locks, doorknob locks, lever locks, and more! so if you need locks re-key services, CONTACT US TODAY!
Do I need to replace the lock or re-key it?
This is a very common question. You do not always have to change the lock, most of the time we can re-key the lock; unless the lock does not work properly. In most cases when the lock is in good condition it is better to re-key it than to replace it. Also, it is the less expensive option. A reliable locksmith would always offer you to re key the lock when no new lock is needed.
How long do locks re-key services usually take?
It depends. For professional locksmiths, it can take only a few minutes, but there are various factors that determine the amount of time and they are:
- Cylinder types and condition
- Type of locks: there are locks which take longer to dismantle and assemble back into the door.
I moved to a new house. Do I need to re-key the locks?
The answer is absolutely, yes! If the safety of your family and your private property is important to you, the solution is quite simple, call us to re key your locks at home or business. You never know who has a key to your new home. It can be anyone that ever had access to this home. If your lock was master keyed, that means that there are a few keys that operate your lock.
Can I re-key the locks by myself?
We would not recommend handling something you are not quite sure about, especially if it is related to the safety of your home or business. The lock can be easily damaged and eventually would have to be replaced.
In order to do this alone, you will need to experiment with locks to practice. Not to mention, you will need to find out how the lock works and what parts it consists of (there are many types of locks). Furthermore, you would need to buy a kit and tools to suit the type of locks in your home. As a result, hire a professional. We are here to save you time and money!